Individual psychotherapy and analysis 

Initial contact is usually over the phone or via email. You will have been referred to me by a third party, or you will have found me yourself. During our first phone call I will invite you to tell me a little of what is motivating you to want to see me. We will arrange an initial appointment.

What will happen?

During the initial appointment, I will listen carefully to your presenting concerns as well as to any relevant details of your background history. I will think with you about what you tell me, so that we can both gain some understanding about some of the issues which may be contributing to your current concerns. If we both think that further discussion is a good idea, we will meet regularly for an initial exploratory period. During this initial process, I will continue to listen carefully and share my insights and ideas with you, and we will think together about what is happening for you. We will discuss the treatment options which appear to be indicated, and we will agree on how to move forward with the therapy or analysis. This will include discussions about frequency of sessions.

How often will we meet?

Frequency of sessions is determined by the nature of the presenting concerns and how complex the links are between current concerns and deeper issues that may have a long history. We might decide that weekly psychotherapy offers you the support you need and we may embark on a weekly psychotherapy process. However, sometimes, it is helpful to meet more often in order to provide the safety, continuity and careful thinking that facilitates understanding complex underlying problems.